Rooted in the past.
Anchored in the present.

A house swathed in historical charm, nestled in the picturesque centre of Bruneck. Each of the four AVIA Living apartments pays double homage – to the eventful history of this town, and to the remarkable women in our family. Let the creative design and artistic flair of your holiday apartment lead you on a journey through space and time.

AVIA Living is the fruit of the building’s strong historical heritage, paired with the hosts’ passion for arts. Carefully restored to splendour and lovingly furnished, the four apartments have been elevated beyond mere accommodation to become the birthplace of lifelong memories.

The AVIA Living townhouse is surrounded by the town wall, dating back to 1298 – a time when the whole of Bruneck consisted only of the houses in the Stadtgasse street and the surrounding fortification and moat. Locksmith’s and blacksmith’s workshops were later added next to the town wall, along with stables. The Hintergasse street is first mentioned in official documents as “Hintere Gasse” in 1382. As some of the buildings there belonged to the same owners, connecting passageways overarching the narrow lane were built, which still lend the Hintergasse street its distinctive character to this day.

This townhouse’s history was shaped by the strong women in our family. It was our grandmother Maria Viktoria Ties and her husband Franz Frenes who acquired the building and repurposed the ground and first floors as a shop for fine fabrics, which soon gained renown and was later taken over by her two daughters Elisabeth and Maria Teresa.

Maria Viktoria and her family lived on the floors above the shop for many years. After they moved out, the house remained empty for some time – until 2021, when Stefan, Elisabeth’s son, brought it to new life as AVIA Living.

The people
behind AVIA Living


A passionate architect, Stefan is the winner of 18 prestigious national and international architecture awards for his extraordinary projects, which have been published worldwide and often overturn conventional perceptions.

He designed and built Italy’s first passive house, and themes such as sustainability and environmentally conscious energy consumption have always been at the forefront of his work.

Stefan’s experimental verve is also reflected in his photography. Rather than simply portraying people, his pictures bring the invisible to the surface and reveal it to the eye – the very same approach that characterises his architectural designs.

His work, thinking and actions are all rooted in an artistic mindset, while his grounding comes from his love for nature and mountain hiking.


With her keen eye for details, penchant for timeless interior design and taste for historical value, Anna is part and parcel of this house’s history. She is not the type to rest on her laurels: driven and quick-witted, she sprints from one goal to the next with insatiable zest.

Anna grew up on her parents’ holiday farm. Formerly a teacher, she tended to the children under her care holistically, sometimes finding new, out-of-the-box approaches to help them grow up in a healthy way. She is also a hydrotherapy coach and a trained sauna master – a testament to her commitment to people’s health and well-being. The design of the AVIA Living apartments reflects her and her husband Stefan’s loving, caring soul.


Anna and Stefan’s daughter, Hannah Maria, currently attends the art high school in Bruneck. She shares her grandmother Elisabeth’s passion for creative tasks. Inspired by her grandmother, she shows particular attention to detail, especially in the selection and clever arrangement of the decorations in the apartments.

With a keen sense of aesthetics and her creative streak, Hannah Maria helps to give the apartments a personal touch.


Samuel, the son of Anna and Stefan, is currently studying to become a teacher at the University of Innsbruck. His sensitivity in dealing with people and intuitive approach make him a promising teacher-to-be.

His goal is to create a positive learning environment in which students are motivated and inspired.

We decided to name the four AVIA Living apartments after the four remarkable women in our family, whose legacy is a constant source of inspiration for us.


We hold them in our hearts and carry on their strength and wisdom, keeping their unique story alive.


This wonderful woman has been the cornerstone of our family. From the very start, she poured her heart and soul into opening and running her fine fabrics shop, which became a staple for the Bruneck community. Maria was and forever remains the soul of our family and of AVIA Living.


Anna Elisabeth, also known as Annelies, is Maria’s elder daughter, i.e. Stefan’s mother and Anna’s mother-in-law. Together with her sister Maria Teresa, she took over Maria’s fabric shop, and with her artistic streak she contributed to its success – not only by working on the shop windows design, but also by selecting and ordering the fabrics. Annelies and her family lived in the flat above the shop until 2000, when they moved to the outskirts of Bruneck.


Maria Teresa is Elisabeth’s sister, and Maria’s younger daughter. She has a firm grasp of figures and finance, as well as being a people person. In her spare time, she enjoys pottery. When her sister moved out of the flat above the shop, Maria Teresa was left to run the business on her own, which she did until 2011, when she rented out the shop and moved out of the townhouse herself.


With her keen eye for details, penchant for timeless interior design and taste for historical value, Anna is part and parcel of this house’s history. She is not the type to rest on her laurels: driven and quick-witted, she sprints from one goal to the next with insatiable zest.

Anna grew up on her parents’ holiday farm. Formerly a teacher, she tended to the children under her care holistically, sometimes finding new, out-of-the-box approaches to help them grow up in a healthy way. She is also a hydrotherapy coach and a trained sauna master – a testament to her commitment to people’s health and well-being. The design of the AVIA Living apartments reflects her and her husband Stefan’s loving, caring soul.

Bruneck and its
historical centre

From its humble beginnings as a simple village, Bruneck developed into a flourishing town to become what it has now been for centuries: the geographical, cultural and economic heart of the Pustertal valley. This charming town on the Rienz river first appeared in historical records in 1256, and owes its name to its founder, Prince-Bishop Bruno.

Due to its central location along an important trade route, Bruneck has always played a central role in the economic and cultural development of the entire area. The town’s fecund history still reverberates thanks to an impressive architectural heritage that includes everything from the medieval townhouses in the Stadtgasse street to fine examples of modern architecture.

The cobblestoned lanes
of the historical centre have stories to tell
that span centuries.

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